by the Rector of Saint Joseph Vaz Deva Dharma Nikethanaya

Greetings in the Lord! As the Rector of Saint Joseph Vaz Deva Dharma Nikethanaya, it is my privilege to welcome you to an institute dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth in the field of Comprehensive Theological Education and Formation. Our institute, a beacon of higher learning within the Archdiocese of Colombo, is committed to providing a profound and comprehensive theological education.

We are proud to be academically affiliated with and approved by the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome. Our curriculum, guided by the statutes of the Congregation for Catholic Education for Institutes of Higher Religious Sciences, is designed to offer a rich syllabus in Catholic Theology, underpinned by substantial preparatory courses in Philosophy and other Human Sciences.

In line with the spirit and vision of Vatican II, our main objective is to offer the People of God the opportunity to deepen their understanding of their faith in their own mother tongue. We believe that knowledge of faith is essential for spiritual growth and active participation in the Church's mission.

I invite you to join us on this journey of faith and learning, as we explore the depths of Catholic theology and philosophy. Together, let us grow in wisdom and love, guided by the teachings of the Church and the light of the Gospel.

May God bless you on your journey of faith and knowledge.

Fr. Expeditus Jayakody (Rector)

The Legacy of St. Joseph Vaz

St. Joseph Vaz was an Oratorian priest and missionary in Sri Lanka, known at the time as Ceylon. His arrival in Ceylon during the Dutch occupation marked the beginning of a remarkable journey.

Short Courses

Short Courses & Seminars

Three optional Short Courses are conducted each year under different pastoral and dogmatic themes which are useful for both students and outsiders.



A Diploma Cycle completed in three years with over 1200 study hours. At the end of the three-year Diploma Cycle, students eligible to sit for the Diploma Examination conducted by the SJVDDN shall submit a Thesis.



A Degree Cycle completed in four years with over 1500 study hours. At the end of the four-year Degree Cycle, the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome shall award the Degree Certificate.